
The main purpose of this project is to launch and recover a weather balloon with the purpose of collecting atmospheric data at high altitudes around 60,000 feet. Post-launch the data collected can be analyzed to create meaningful visualizations and can even be used to predict the weather patterns in the coming days.

The first steps of our project included gathering research and potential equipment for the balloon and payload. By first stating our desired specifications, shown in table 2.1, we were able to find hardware that would meet these goals. Once hardware was chosen the parts were ordered and we were able to begin the next phase of our project. The design and implementation of each piece of hardware is explained more in depth in later sections.

In order to benchmark our progress for the first semester, goals were put in place. The first being programming the sensor system for real time temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure sensing. Also the communication system was to connect successfully and record the GPS data onto a micro SD card for later plotting.

The above goals were accomplished and have put our group on a path to achieve multiple successful launches next semester.