
The parachute harness was the choice selected because of the cost, and also because it is a good harness that will support the user with limited problems. The parachute harness is designed to support a person’s full weight and so is the best choice for this device. The harness has one D-ring at the top of each shoulder to connect to the cables of the device and is made of a lightweight and strong polyester. There is also a D-ring on the back of the harness that a cable will be added to so that the user will not be able to fall to the ground, for a total of three D-rings for full attachment. This cable will be attached directly above the user to the structure, with a little leeway, so that if the user were to fall their momentum would be halted. The harness will be removable from the cables so that other users may be able to access the treadmill without using the device.