About TMJD

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) is stiffness and tightening of the muscles and ligaments around the Temporomandibular Joint. More than 3 million people are diagnosed with TMJD each year. Symptoms of TMJD are muscle weakening, jaw pain and stiffness, and inability to move the jaw. Everyday activities such as talking and eating can be seriously affected.

The current devices that are available for people who have TMJD such as the Orastretch and the Therabite Motion Rehab System are all assistive devices that help the user increase range of motion of the jaw. None of the available devices allow the user to strengthen their jaw muscles using resistive strength training motions. In addition, none of the available devices on the market allow the user to address the issue of their jaw pain. A device that would alleviate some of the pain that the patient feels, while also enabling the user to work toward improving their condition, could greatly improve quality of life for someone who has TMJD.